VM100 life usuability after opening

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I first used the VM100 Black 10min Methacrylate Adhesive one year ago. I tested again one week ago to glue one piece of nylon with an aluminium part without any flame treatment. The result was good. I had to apply a huge force by hand to dissassemble both parts (40 mm^2 glue surface).

On your website page of the product, you describe the life expectancy of the product of 12 month on the shelf. Do you mean that the shear strength will reduce a little bit after 12 months or ist here a huge reduction of the shear strength of the bonding ? In my application, I'm expecting the max shear stress of 0,05 MPa (N/mm^2) which does not seem to be a huge stress. 
Warren (Staff)
Warren (Staff)
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It is hard to say exactly how the performance will degrade as the product goes past its expiry date.  Certainly there is no readily available test data.

The impact very much depends on storage conditions, how often it was used etc.

However, In our experience, generally speaking the properties do generally decline over time once past the shelf life, this includes curing times, mechanical properties etc.  Often for non-structural or light duty applications, a small drop off in performance is not an issue - eg with an epoxy resin on a cosmetic composite part  - as long as it still cures properly generally you are ok.  However with a structural adhesive, the impact may be a bit more relevant and something you need to consider.  So I would recommend either do a small bit of testing to be sure, or replace with in date adhesive so you know you will get an acceptable level of performance.

Warren Penalver
Easy Composites / Carbon Mods - Technical Support Assistant

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