How to go about this. First time making a mold

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Posts: 4, Visits: 50
First Id like to say Hello from The US. I have gained a bunch of knowledge from this forum as well as the EasyComposites YouTube videos. Thank You!

I am going to mold my first part, a trim panel off a Ford Mustang. As you see below, there is a few burrs around the holes where an emblem once mounted. My question is, do i sand the area around the holes smooth, leave the area dull, add clay and proceed with gel coat? Or do I just fill with clay, lay out gelcoat and sand the gelcoat smooth after cure? This panel is plastic, and I do not believe it is painted. I am concerned that I will not be able to buff the area if it is sanded. I was wondering what would be easier, sand the mold afterwards or just sand before. Thanks a ton in advance


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ants87ss - 6 Years Ago
Hanaldo - 6 Years Ago
ants87ss - 6 Years Ago
drippy - 6 Years Ago
Hanaldo - 6 Years Ago
Hanaldo - 6 Years Ago
Fasta - 6 Years Ago
             That's not a bad idea at all
drippy - 6 Years Ago
Hanaldo - 6 Years Ago

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