cut and fold technique

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i saw that technique and i find it very intresting.but i dont fully understand this.when we fold the part to create an angle how is it possible the layer of carbon,that we dint cut with a dremel,to form that kind of angle without breaking?dont know if you understand what im trying to say.but if anyone is familiar with that technique maybe can help me or even send me some links to read and understand this better.  
thank you!
Warren (Staff)
Warren (Staff)
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The amount you can bend the panel depends on the thickness of the skin and its composition.  For example, a single layer of 200gsm twill carbon could be bent 180 degrees over a radius of around 100mm or even less. Smaller angles you might get a tighter radius of curvature.

If you knew where your bends are going to be, you could even engineer in a thinner laminate on a strip around the bend line . 

Warren Penalver
Easy Composites / Carbon Mods - Technical Support Assistant
Supreme Being (96 reputation)Supreme Being (96 reputation)Supreme Being (96 reputation)Supreme Being (96 reputation)Supreme Being (96 reputation)Supreme Being (96 reputation)Supreme Being (96 reputation)Supreme Being (96 reputation)Supreme Being (96 reputation)
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warren im about to search what kind of carbon i can use and how much i can bend it.but i will be really glad if you give me something to start.
also after the process we use(vaccum infusion),we let it fully cured(24 hours) and after that we try to bend it?
Supreme Being (1.4K reputation)Supreme Being (1.4K reputation)Supreme Being (1.4K reputation)Supreme Being (1.4K reputation)Supreme Being (1.4K reputation)Supreme Being (1.4K reputation)Supreme Being (1.4K reputation)Supreme Being (1.4K reputation)Supreme Being (1.4K reputation)
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well this is what I use to make back in the day
This was wet lay epoxy,which was made on a 16ft square glass table. Thou it cures in 4/5 hrs it's still "green for 4/5 days and can easily bend,even 90
deg  corner
You only router your inner skin,the honeycomb wad filled with glue before the chassis was formed round the mandrel 
Funnily enough the car pictured was written off about 8 years ago and that's the only fold up tub we have ever lost all the rest still survive
We made a new fold up tub using a Pre preg  sheet but I think the old wet lay would of been better there was a lot of stress in the Pre preg sheet
Don't cut your laminates down on corners !!! No need

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