Talk Composites - The Forum for Advanced Composites

MEKP Catalyst alternitave

By Pconn061 - 2/3/2015 9:07:57 AM

I am planning on making larger moulds(car panels etc) and hoping to do so using the Uni-Mould system, my only reservation is the MEKP Catalyst. As I am from Ireland I cannot get you guys to ship it and I have never heard of anywhere that would supply it.

So my question is what kind of place might supply the catalyst, would an Auto paint specialist stock it?
Or is there an alternative

Thanks in advance
By Warren (Staff) - 12/7/2017 1:36:43 PM

Our Uni-Mould Tooling Gelcoat and Coupling coat are actually Vinylester resins.  Only the Tooling resin itself is polyester based.  However, in catalyst terms, all 3 resins use the same standard reactivity MEKP so if you find a local source of MEKP that works for one, then it should work fine with all our Polyester and vinylester based products.