Tubes Specs

Carbon Tuner
Carbon Tuner
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 the un directions made cf tubing stuff is much stronger then a 2x2 twill.

If your thinking on using it for the forks or bearing assembly I would try to come up with something else. You would want those parts all one piece of faric. I'd even consider making a metal frame core connecting the fork tube sproket housing and rear wheel hub.

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I just seen your method of preparing carbon fibre parts and i liked it. I want to make a carbon fiber bicycle frame for which i need tubes with different shape size and strength. Is it possible to make them by your method ?. In some videos i have seen they bake the tubes for strength. Is it necessary?.Also can you help me by providing some book name where i can gain more knowledge about this composite and its mfg process.Also do you ship to India?how much time it takes and payment method ?.

Thank You 
Paul (Staff)
Paul (Staff)
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Okay I know what you are trying to do now... a rig to do motion blur on a slow exposure.

You really should be looking at the larger diameter tubes to get the level of stiffness you will need as you don't want it 'bouncing' at all. the 47.5mm roll-wrapped tube should be appropriate for this, to create detachable joints I would suggest using some short lengths of aluminium tube, either internal or externaly with pins through them to hold them together, I'm sure you could find a local engineering company who could make these for you very cheaply. If you did rig it with wires (like an arm on a crane) you could reduce the tube diameter greatly, but this could be more complicated to setup.

Paul Statham
Easy Composites / Carbon Mods - Technical
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I think the pic will explain it better. Tube usualy mount on some side of the car using suction cups. 
While shooting, car moving at very low speed <5kmh by human power =) (engine is off to prevent vibrations). Its possible to use triangle(or other) system of cables to stabalise but usually its not necessary.
Paul (Staff)
Paul (Staff)
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Posts: 134, Visits: 614
Hi Roman, welcome to the forum,

So are you looking to run this 6-8m section vertically off a car roof? Will the car be moving with this attached? Does the pole have cables to stabalise it? Sorry for all the questions but they will all make quite a difference to the tube that would be appropriate.

Paul Statham
Easy Composites / Carbon Mods - Technical
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I've decided to make an automotive photo rig. So i think its possible to make it using 2m carbon fiber tubes splitted together to get 6-8m long tube. 
One end will be connected to car, on the other end it will be a camera (about 1kg). It should be rather tough construction to prevent jolting.
Can you give me advice what type of tubes (diameter, thickness) can fit?

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