Talk Composites - The Forum for Advanced Composites

Resin Casting Help needed- please

By DTstuart - 1/24/2014 1:37:58 PM


I'm a teacher in need of advice for a student who has designed a variety of items to be rotational moulded. Inspired by the DIY rotomould on you tube we are building the machine but need advice on the resin to use, mould techniques and weight of resin to volume of mould?

The youtube link may help illustrate the machine.

We have machined a scale model of the items in MDF on the CNC router and planned to slice it in half then vacform polystyrene to make a mould but will the resin stick to the plastic? Would we be better off using a silicone mould taken from the MDF lump? Or is there another way?

The final model will be about 8''x 4'' x 4''- how much silicone is needed. It's sold by weight so unsure.

Also, fast cast resin I assume would be best? How much each time? Dont want it solid.

Any help greatly appreciated.
