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body panel moulds

By neilb - 3/2/2012 10:29:29 PM


quick question regarding the subject:-

would it be easier to produce a front wing from a split piece mould or use a couple of moulds and then bond the pieces together?

(the face part and the back edge)

obviously i'm asking this as i have done a mould for a front wing in 3 pieces for easy removal of the part but trying to vacuum bag the whole thing is getting a little frustrating due to air leaks. the supply of parts for this is not the best in oz but i have found a supply of bags but the plastic is not specific in terms of stretch for this application but it almost works, thats the reason for the question.

thanks neil
By neilb - 3/8/2012 6:25:05 AM

thanks maverick, i shall try the sealant method on this mould