Talk Composites - The Forum for Advanced Composites

epoxy as wood glue and glass bubbles

By benet - 10/30/2013 8:00:13 AM

I've been using in2 as very successfully as the wood glue in my composite layups.
However recently i changed the type of wood i was using and have found the new wood to be dryer and have a mere uneven surface.
This resulted in the in2 being overly absorbed into the wood and consequently not enough resin being on the surface to fill the its unevenness and make a good bond.
So i changed to using coating resin ( that i had on the shelf ) and it worked great, however it has a short pot life that stresses me out on big jobs and its heavy as i end up using more of it in thicker coating.

So... my question is this ... Should i try adding micro bubbles to the in2 to thicken it up and keep it light, if so what proportion of bubbles will take in2 to the thickness of coating resin?

I dont really want to use another resin as these 2 i stock for most of my other jobs.
