Talk Composites - The Forum for Advanced Composites

Should I apply a very thick first coat of epoxy before sanding?

By FiftyPence - 6/17/2013 7:53:42 PM

Hello everyone,

I am hand-laying a car door trim in easycomposites pro-finish 2x2 twill carbon fibre.  Here is my workflow:

  1. Sand down the part
  2. Apply black basecoat
  3. Allow basecoat to go tacky, ~2.5-3hrs
  4. Apply profinish carbon fibre material to the part and press it down firmly onto the basecoat
  5. Allow to cure overnight
  6. Apply epoxy top coat to the part
  7. The next step according to the video would be to sand down the layer of epoxy
  8. Apply second coat of epoxy
  9. Allow epoxy to go tacky
  10. Apply subsequent layers of epoxy
Here's the problem:

On my last attempt, the carbon fibre cloth was still showing through the layer of epoxy so if I sand then I would be sanding the carbon fibre itself and some epoxy.

Should I apply a very thick first coat of epoxy to ensure that it covers the carbon fibre cloth sufficiently so that the cloth is not showing through and so that there is enough epoxy coat to sand into?

Thanks for your help!
By FiftyPence - 6/24/2013 10:01:06 AM


I contacted EC and Matt kindly pointed out that back in 201 when I placed the order, laminating resin was the only product available at that time so I did receive the correct product.

I degassed my newly purchased coating resin and it works perfectly.