Talk Composites - The Forum for Advanced Composites

3D Rocks for an Aquarium using polystyrene and epoxy resin

By Hiren - 5/10/2013 5:04:52 PM

I'm planning on building a 3D rock background out of polystyrene to place inside my aquarium.  The plan is to sculpt and shape the polystyrene 'rocks', stick them individually onto a thin flat polystyrene backing sheet and then brush it with several epoxy resin coats (with suitable dyes if needed) to achieve the right colours and a bit of strength (the polystyrene itself is inert and does not need to be sealed off completely from the aquarium water).  I'm hoping to achieve a matt dark grey slate colour (or ideally shades thereof).

The polystyrene is then glued to the inside of the tank with silicone aquarium sealant.  The size of the 'wall of rocks' will be 7ft x 2 ft with depths of up 3 inches.

Researching on the web shows others have done this but I'm a novice in terms of resins and am not sure of the products available and sutable for this.  Looking at your products, I'm guessing if anything is suitable in terms of my planned process, it'll be the Epoxy Coating Resin?

Are any of your epoxies and dyes aquarium-safe (usually anything ok with potable water is fine)?

I'm hoping you can recommend resins, dyes and approx. amounts (I appreciate the latter will be a guesstimate! to the nearest pack size will do). Also I get the feeling the resin dries to a gloss finish - any techniques to reduce the gloss effect also appreciated.

Thanks in advance
By Hiren - 5/19/2013 1:20:21 PM

Thanks all for your replies and advice.

Just juggling between using the EC Epoxy (I've no experience with resins - but its has advanges like strength etc.) or a thin cement mortar (which I have a little experience of, it raises the PH of the water but it's not a problem with the fish I plan to keep).

Thanks again
