Talk Composites - The Forum for Advanced Composites

Resin Bleed Into Honeycomb

By Beau Broderick - 8/20/2021 1:47:24 PM

Hi guys, I'm having an issue with resin flowing into honeycomb. It's not enough resin in most areas to cause a problem with the adjacent laminates, however, when I have two core details very close to each other the laminate between the two details is usually resin starved and shot full of porosity. I need to figure out a way to block the resin from flowing into the core. I've already tried using more film adhesive, neat resin, and potting to either block or supplement the resin loss, but all it does is fill more cells with resin. I've heard of people using bondable Kapton film, a polyimide, but I wanted to see what other people have used. I've heard this is also an issue with VARTM, and people stabilize the core beforehand, but in my situation I can't afford the time to pretreat the core. I don't have any Kapton, but I do have bondable Tedlar, a PVF film, which I may try soon.