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XC110 and EB700, first use, not so great results, not sure what went wrong.

By carguy84 - 1/4/2021 12:47:04 AM

Not sure what went wrong with this. It’s two ply of the XC110 on an EB700 board that’s been CNCd, sanded and sealed with 120. EB700 machines excellent, BTW.

I used FibRelease on the surface of the mold and cured it in the curing oven with the ramp to 70c, hold for 4 hours, ramp to 120 and held that for about 80 minutes and then let it cool in the oven back down to 25. I don’t have a ramp and soak controller yet, just a regular Auberins one, but did my best to manually follow the ramp up in the doc.

The part came right out of the mold but with the surface seen here. Seems like a lot of the resin ended up on the back side of the part. Too much vacuum isn't a thing right?  You can run the vacuum the entire time?  Does this look more like bad bagging technique?  My stack is bagging, cloth on the bottom and under the hose adapter and then just the release over the carbon.

Thanks for any advice.


By Warren (Staff) - 1/7/2021 12:20:19 PM

That is a much better finish.  As said, corner bridging can make a real difference. So pay special attention to the corners.  Also you can try holding it at the soak temperature for a bit longer to see if that helps resin flow.