Talk Composites - The Forum for Advanced Composites

Glasscast 50

By Sean Walsh - 8/31/2020 10:44:07 AM

I'm using Glasscast 50 to fill a mold over a photo. Despite spraying several coats of Acrylic lacquer, and coating the edges carefully, I'm still getting the resin creeping or leaching into the edges of the photo, discolouring it's appearance. Whatever I use must be fully transparent and not react with the resin cure process. Help! What can I use to prevent this happening???
By Sean Walsh - 9/21/2020 5:55:11 PM

Warren (Staff) - 9/21/2020 4:21:23 PM
Are your edges properly sealed?  Normally it would be hard for it to come in top and bottom where as edges can be more difficult to get right. 
