Talk Composites - The Forum for Advanced Composites

Hello from SoCal!

By ThePharaoh415 - 7/13/2020 2:34:23 AM

Hi guys, stumbled upon this page due to my interest in carbon fiber vacuum bagging. My goal is to make parts purely out of carbon fiber, and I hope you guys can help and I can contribute. What is a good place to buy starter kits and material? i have heard of easycomposites and composite envisions, but I want to hear about your experience with your preferred company.

By mscomposites - 7/13/2020 2:50:34 AM

composite envisions is good. We also use Revchem or Plastic Materials Inc. Both located in So Cal and usually stock all times that are needed. Only bummer about Composite envisions is the shipping time. Depending on where your at you can will call orders for pick up at Revchem or PMI.