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Mixing the resin.

By Integrale - 4/2/2020 2:16:34 PM

Hi I started my new project. I am doing some shelves with resin. I am using glass cast 50.
Everything going ok but i have question what happen and how i can mixing two resines to keep desire look.
Below is first picture straight after i poured 2 mixes..
after that using the stick i get litlle bit of the desire looks...

But with the time the shape started to spread and even when i tryed to keep it on the end looks like that

My question is what i did wrong and if thers is a way to avoid this?
Thank you for any sugestions.
By Warren (Staff) - 4/6/2020 1:39:39 PM

Unfortunately the resin will spread and blend like that.  The only way round it is in essence to let the resin begin to cure before you mix the colours.  It definitely needs experimentation but you are looking to catch the resin as the viscosity begins to increase so you can create your swirls without them moving too much.  Leave it too late and you won't be able to mix it as you want, too soon and it will blend too much.