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Need your advice on how to make these parts out of carbon fiber..

By shaas8 - 11/28/2012 3:25:17 AM

Hey all, I need help with a few things, I am manufacturing Carbon fiber parts for the honda CBR600rr and my customers continue asking me to make these complex parts and I hate turning money away. So here it goes.

One is a small corner piece with awkard tabs for mounting it:

The second issue I am having is how to fabricat the interior of the stator cover. It will be holding hot oil too so it has to be durable.

Lastly I would like advice on what to use as an alternative to the factory's injected screw threads I guess you can call them. They are basically the threads on the back of the fairings/body panels that your small screws go into ..idk how else to explain it and cant find a picture online anywhere.

Thanks in advance!
By Warren - 11/29/2012 12:27:20 AM

clip detail can be done by casting then bonding in the cast part.  Youd make a silicone mould then use polyurethane fast cast to make the part.  can also be pigmented to black or whatever.  You can get a casting kit at EC.

For threads, you can use "bighead" fasteners if there is space or use "u clips" with a thread: