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Silicone connector help please

By Robert72 - 1/4/2020 4:47:43 PM

Just trying to debulk my layup but I seem to be having issues with the silicone connector.  The connector draws a partial vacuum down to -0.5bar and then stops. It hisses a lot.  I have tried several times to get a vacuum, with copious amounts of gum tape etc, but just cannot get a full vacuum.  Anyone seen this before?
By Robert72 - 1/4/2020 9:04:02 PM

leeks - 1/4/2020 8:07:53 PM

Robert72 - 1/4/2020 6:55:43 PM
Just to add to the above.... The far end of the bag is loose, and well, baggy.  I can easily pull it out and there is plenty of air.  The silicone connector is only evacuating air close to it.  Is this normal?  I was expecting the bag to be tight on the carbon.

Going off the info that it's pulled tight around the vacuum input, but loose at a distance from it.. You'll find you have leaks in your vacuum bag, not the connector. The
'leak' sound you are hearing would be the excess air from your leak being drawn in and rushing through your silicone vacuum input to the pump.

Work your way around the gum tape pushing and stretching it down till those loose areas and the sound of any air stop.

You were right, appropriately named "leeks".  There were at least a couple of leeks.  And it is now drawing a vacuum better, but I think I have more to check.  Thanks for the advice!