Talk Composites - The Forum for Advanced Composites

Release Agent for a plug?

By TannerGreenwood - 10/30/2019 11:14:00 PM

Hi everyone I'm from Canada and I'm trying to find a release agent similar to Easy Lease that i could purchase in North America. I would've loved to purchase Easy Lease its self but unfortunately that would cost me an arm and a leg, I found a product that's advertised as a Mold release called Frekote 700-NC and after doing a lot of research I think it would be perfect. My only concern is, I was wondering if it would work just as well for releasing a plug? Its seems to work great for releasing infused and bushed epoxy resins from molds but would it work for releasing a plug from a mold. Any information would be great! 

Also I've looked into PVA and Wax but I'm trying to find a better Bang for my Buck kind of product

Edit: Sorry if my terms and everything aren't entirely accurate, I'm new to the world of composites
By TannerGreenwood - 11/2/2019 3:51:37 PM

Thank you so much guys!! really appreciate help, and thank you Chris for the wax suggestion and helpful shelf life tip.