Talk Composites - The Forum for Advanced Composites

Is UNI directional okay for a surface layer?

By lovethepirk - 7/5/2019 9:41:04 PM

I'm new to composites. I'm doing a wing that is just over 1 foot in wingspan. There will be no core, so it is 100% solid carbon fiber...joining both halves with a 1mm layer of very high strength epoxy and chopped/milled fiber.

I don't need torsional strength at all for this part, I need strength from tip to tip so the wing doesn't snap in half.  My plan is to use mostly  Intermediate Modulus(830 tensile 43 Modulus) UNI directional 12K 8oz/300g for the skin or surface layer.

I don't care about appearance, so is  UNI directional okay for a skin layer?

If each half requires 10 layers of fabric should I vacuum bag each layer with the first 5 layers and then rough up the surface and do the other 5 layers as a secondary process? A rep at the composite store said this may be a preferred method? Below is the pic of a generalized layup I have in mind....thanks in advance.

By oekmont - 7/6/2019 6:47:27 AM

Is the wing intended for underwater use, or supersonic applications? 10 layers of 300g seems unnecessarily heavy for a 1 foot wing. The inner layers do not carry any load anyways. Except it's a part for a turbine or something similar, where the wing will face high centrifugal forces.