Talk Composites - The Forum for Advanced Composites

Chrome effect

By skendread - 5/20/2019 7:08:04 PM

Hi people. I'm very new to this. 
Ive been try to get a durable chrome/mirror effect using spray on chrome paint.

So fa some of them have produced definite mirror type finishes

The only big caveat being none of them can be clear coated. Or that's what I though.

When applying the spray there is almost an instant mirror finish. All different forms of clear coat instantly turn the finish to a dull grey.

The interesting and probably obvious thing is this.

Apply the paint to a glass or plastic clear sheet. Do the same thing. And yet again it's dull.

But turn it over and the sheet has become a mirror!

So my question is.
Can I apply a clear gelcoat to my mould. Wait for it to harden so it doesn't interfere with the mirror spray. Then cure the spray. And fill with resin to fill the mould?

Has anyone tried this before?
By Warren (Staff) - 5/21/2019 9:25:34 AM

Definitely sounds like a small experiment is needed for this project. Certainly only real safe way to do it. Hopefully Someone else has experimented with this and has a bit more idea of what works.