Talk Composites - The Forum for Advanced Composites

Casting to 30mm in one pour

By silkeskills - 2/21/2019 4:36:11 PM

So my understanding of using Glass Cast 50 is that the maximum thickness you can cast is 25mm in wood. I am assuming this is for river tables where there is wood on two sides and potentially some on the base.  However it states that you can cast upto 50mm in moulds.
So if  I am pouring into a mould with wood on just 1 side then  technically i can pour thicker than 25mm? I am only looking for about 32mm but would like to do it in one pour. 
Any thoughts?

By Warren (Staff) - 2/22/2019 4:07:40 PM

In theory you may be ok with a one sided piece, but how close you can get to the 50mm would depend on a lot of factors.  Even though you are only going to 32mm, for the sake of doing a second pour, it would not be worth risking exotherm damage by doing it in one go, unless you have done testing and can conclusively be sure it is fine for your exact conditions.