Talk Composites - The Forum for Advanced Composites

Unbalanced layup

By Jan Christian - 9/6/2018 6:19:42 AM

HelloSmile The question is about this product:
The description says that the fabric has unbalanced layup. I have read the spreadsheet and cant find out the exact dimensions of this. Direction and weights. Do yo have this info? 
By Dravis - 9/9/2018 12:11:39 PM

In this case "Unbalanced layup" just means that there twice as many fibres going in the same direction in the fabric.
You can actually count this from the picture.

I have used this fabric and provided you can cut your shapes from the roll in  both directions i.e. across and along the roll, you will have a balanced layup anyway.
The fabric has most fibres going along the roll.

I have made semi large parts with this fabric, and two layers of this at 90 degrees is far stiffer and probably 50% stronger than two normal layers of Twill "Black Stuff"