Talk Composites - The Forum for Advanced Composites

Hi everyone advise needed

By Lee34 - 9/4/2018 11:58:30 AM

Hello guys my name is lee. I'm a welder fabricator and composites is a hobby. I've made a few Fibreglass items with success thanks to the easy composites video tutorials. Anyway I'm looking to make some Fibreglass fairings for my motorbike for track use and want some advise for making the molds. Obviously I'll use the original fairings as the plug but How should I go about filling the openings where the headlights and tail lights go without modifying original fairing? I want to be able to reuse them. thanks in advance
By Steve Broad - 9/4/2018 1:19:10 PM

Lee34 - 9/4/2018 1:07:59 PM
Thanks for the reply problem is the openings are curved shapes so flat board won't work. Thought about leaving lights in and using wax to seal around them. Thoughts?

That will work and you could then add a vinyl image of the lights :-) You just need to make sure that you apply release agent properly otherwise you could damage the lights. That is the way I would do it, anyway :-)