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Art Resin (Glasscraft 3) waves in finish. What is the work time?

By CampbellSA - 8/4/2018 7:32:36 AM

I did my first test piece (900 x 300 mm MDF) with Glasscraft 3 and getting some waves and pits.
Can you please advise what is the ‘work time’ for this product, I have looked at the spec sheets but does not offer this info only ‘curing time’ @ 25 deg.
So what I am looking for is - the time duration after mix I can use the heat gun. I have looked at various videos on You Tube re ‘waves’ and ‘pits’ and I am thinking the reason for my waves result is using the heat gun after the ‘work time’ (a term used in several of the videos).

The ‘pitting’ I am not sure what is causing that.

I am new to resin art so working with epoxy is a learning curve for me and I am determined to get the glass finish I see everyone else achieving although I am acutely aware that epoxy can be rather sensitive and a lot of precautions to be taken that as a newbie is very important to me.

Thank you for your input / response and have a lovely weekend.
By CampbellSA - 8/6/2018 11:12:29 AM

Warren (Staff) - 8/6/2018 10:50:11 AM
The simple way round any problems with wooden frames or boards is to brush apply a very thin layer of resin on as a sealing coat, then allow to cure and key up with sandpaper before going any further.  Seals the wood and prepares it for further resin application.

Mix 550-600ml to take into account mixing pot waste and you should be fine.

Also bear in mind that GlassCast 3 will cure to a rock hard finish, so any minor surface imperfections can be wet sanded out and re-polished back to a gloss., so you don't always need to flood coat the whole surface each time if its just the odd minor defect to repair.
Thanks again Warren,