Talk Composites - The Forum for Advanced Composites

The new degassing system

By BananeDC - 7/8/2018 7:47:31 AM

Hi !
I wanted to ask a question about the  new degassing system compared to the olds one you were selling at Easy Composites (i had the system with the big pump).
I bought the old one at Easy Composites in 2015 (the one with the big pump)
Is the new lid (with the handle) compatible wirth the ancient system ? Does the new chamber have the same size as the old one ?
Thanks !
By Matt (Staff) - 7/16/2018 8:43:17 AM

Hanaldo - 7/12/2018 11:10:29 PM
Isopropyl alcohol is commonly sold as a surface cleaner for applying automotive vinyl wraps. You might find it in a supermarket if it has a small car care section. Otherwise check your local automotive stores or a chemist or hardware. It is common stuff, should be easy to find.

Most 'screen wipes' for computer screens or tattoo wipes (for wiping the skin before or after a tattoo) also use IPA.