Talk Composites - The Forum for Advanced Composites

Thixo additive for silicones

By GreyArea - 11/30/2017 6:29:06 PM

If you work at Easy Composites and your ears have been burning today it’s my fault...your thixo additive seems to have added zero structure to the silicone I was using.

However, then I read the label...only for ADDITIVE cure silicone...I’ve got the condensation cure product. Is that the reason why it’s not working?

If so, then yes, I should have read the label...but a little warning when customers order these two products together (and no additive cure silicone) might be a good idea!
By GreyArea - 12/1/2017 4:40:21 PM

Just realised how apt my tag is for this question!

Thanks for the help...I went with 600g in the end...some left over but I’d rather that than be short. Thanks again!