Talk Composites - The Forum for Advanced Composites

OV301 Oven shipping

By Premium Composites - 11/29/2017 12:11:59 AM


I am interested in an oven but I am a bit worried about the shipping. My workshop is in the basement, down a stair and round some tight turns, 80 kilos could be a bit much. Is it possible to have the oven deliviered eg without the doors mounted, and how much would the heaviest part be then? Any other items that could be taken off (doesn't look like it)?

By Warren (Staff) - 11/29/2017 9:46:54 AM

Hi Anders,

The oven comes packed with the electronics enclosure detached and inside the oven, so straight away you can take the enclosure and shelf separately to save some weight.  You can also unbolt the front door assemblies.  That might get it down to 60-65kg which should be possible to carry the oven with some help.