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worn joints on pole need to reseal to stop carbon on hands.

By Mark Dunkley - 7/28/2012 12:09:12 PM

Hi  I found your web site through a search engine. I am very big pole fisherman the joint on the pole our worn so I get a lot of carbon deposit on my hands during fishing. I need your help I was wondering what products you do that I can purchase to seal them back up. Urgent reply needed as I have two poles doing the same understanding I can get new parts for them as they our both over 6 years old. I don’t want to buy a new pole until I haveat least tried to seal then. I have tried the products that fishing companysell but these was off during use. Hoping you deal with carbon a lot you willhave products to seal and I can get a smooth finish on the to last a lotlonger.



If you can help send me a list of items so I can order as soon as possible. Cheers I hope you can help me.



Could a product like this seal the carbon for me EL2 Epoxy Laminating Resin

By Mark Dunkley - 7/30/2012 2:42:58 PM

Thanks so much for your help this sound perfect for what I am looking for.
