Talk Composites - The Forum for Advanced Composites


By geoffknott - 3/20/2017 5:49:53 PM

Hi all!

I've been working with the biotex flax/PLA (4/4 P/W 500g) thermoplastic and wanted to find out if you've thought about or expect to be supplying more resin-rich flax/PLA in future - I've found it to be quite dry (fast ramp to 190C and hold for 20mins).

In addition, I've been adding extra PP for now (I know it's suggested not to on the product webpage but it works perfectly for me) and wondering if supplying PLA film is a thought or in the works too?

I thought I'd start in this forum and so haven't contacted Composites Evolution yet. Thanks,

By Warren (Staff) - 3/22/2017 11:36:18 AM

I believe it is due to demand.  I am not aware of any biodegradable resin films on the market at present.