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Bespoke WheelChair Racing Mitts

By scottracing - 4/16/2016 9:31:21 PM

Hi all
Looking for a bit of advice, had an interesting small project come into work.
I need to develop and prototype a set of bespoke racing wheelchair mitts, the current set that shes using are home made and a bit gash and not very well finished, which give her issues with callouses and bruising.
She buys a kit i think called aquaplast which is a low temp remouldable plastic, much like the mouldphorm granules that EC sell. These are melted in hot water and a rigid glove is formed from it and then a special rubber bonded to it.

Im wondering if anyone has done anything similar to this? Im looking at getting her to make another pair of gloves, then cast the inside of them to replicate her hands to make a buck tool. I would then create the new gloves using a composite layup, with maybe a rubber composite material like kraibourg or make a carbon lightweight mitt. All options will have a bespoke rubber bonded to them.

Any advice is greatly appreciated