Talk Composites - The Forum for Advanced Composites

What's in your workshop??

By Davidpetty1988 - 2/25/2016 5:28:11 PM

Thought I'd create this thread for people to post pictures of their workshop and new and homade tools they use and maybe how and why they use them. for composite projects.
I'll start ....
This is a steel(looks plastic)Stanley 360° multiangle(it uses a ball joint and is very stable when clamped) soft grip vice I use for holding peices while I cut them with a dremel so I can change the angle of the peice so I'm not using the dremel at funny angles thus getting better cutting control.£21 brand new off eBay :-) steal!
YouTube vid  is in Russian or something but you can see how it works.
By Chris Scott - 3/2/2016 6:18:21 PM

Did somebody mention benchtop curing ovens??? Haha

Been waiting to see how those will come out. I'm on the edge of either buying an old used curing oven, building my own from scratch, and waiting to see how the EC ovens will be.