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pvc core and vacuum bagging

By rwilbu01 - 6/21/2012 2:53:18 AM

Hi guys,

First of all, I want to say sorry that I use imperial measurements not metric...

I have some .125" (approx 3.1mm) pvc closed foam that I want to use a core in trunk lid mold.  This may be the same as the 5mm EC advertises.  It is not perforated and I am wondering if need to perforate it myself before it is usedin a vacuum bagging application.  I do not understand how the excess resin will be removed if it is not. Is this a valid concern, or can I vacuum bag or infuse without added work (use as is)? 

I have also have heard of people pressing chicken wire into the pvc to help with infusion.  Is this valid?
By Warren (Staff) - 10/9/2013 11:12:45 AM

Generally speaking it is better to make the foam core panel as you mould the sheets as the resin will fill the open cells on the outside fully getting a better bond.

For normal vacuum bagging, you have to work the foam carefully to ensure you don't get any air entrapment under the foam.  Some light score lines can help.

With resin infusion we recommend our pre-scored and drilled foam as it allows a path for the resin to flow evenly to the bottom laminate layer.