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Quick questions from a noob re carbon fiber resin infusion

By JanM - 4/27/2012 12:28:04 AM


Hi guys,

Been looking at the resin infusion vids and it looks pretty straight forward. (famous last words)
I want to make a 250mm diameter cylinder approx 1000mm length.

However I need answers to a few questions please...

How likely is it for the resin to reach the the other side and leave corners/edges dry?
If its quite likely tips to prevent this? If this happens is the part still salvageable or ruined?

Second question, This cylinder needs to be stiff (very very stiff) and upto 15mm thick, it does not matter if its thinner.
What sort of layering would you use to achieve the above.

Third question, I don't have a mandrill so intending to use a prepared sonotube cylinder, would release from this be difficult?

Last question, cutting carbon fiber outside in the garden, would the dust just diffuse in the wind or linger in the garden for a couple of days?

Looking forward to get started in this hobby, got loads of little projects planned...


By Matt (Staff) - 5/9/2012 8:08:25 PM

Hi Jan,

I'll keep you posted; I don't think it will be long.
