Talk Composites - The Forum for Advanced Composites

Making mould for complex shaped patter

By muxiamandy - 9/26/2014 9:46:20 AM

Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum; first I would like to say thank you for easycomposites and talkcomposites for all the tips and ideas you have shared. 

Now, I want to make a mould for this blade. I am not sure where to put the parting line; and if I should make a 2,or 3 part mould. 

Can anyone help?
By muxiamandy - 9/29/2014 8:00:23 AM

Hanaldo, sorry for asking, any chance for those sketches? I think I got my blade split line correct; not too sure about the base. 

Does anyone have a problem when trying to get a smooth surface for their patterns after putting on primers and doing all the sanding? By touch, my surface finish seem fine, all smooth; however, I can still see very fine lines on the pattern even after using polishine from EC. Has anyone had the same problem? I have gone up to 1200 g sanding paper.