Talk Composites - The Forum for Advanced Composites

Please help with casting claws

By Gantaeno - 4/19/2014 11:06:06 AM

Morning all,

I am hoping to move from using epoxy resins and polymer clays to casting for the claws on my hand sewn sloths and bears.  I have cast a few parts in resin before at University but it was a while ago and under supervision of an artist, so I don't have a clear idea of the direction the claws would be best sitting in the mould.  I don't know if this needs to be a two part mould with the claws lying horizontally or vertically, or if the silicone is flexible enough that I could just have a single layer with the mould creeping over the top of the claw but a small space to fill from.  I assume the holes will complicate things further too.

Anyway, any advice before I take the plunge is much appreciated; I hope the attached images of the claws in use and how I think they could be cast are helpful, but I have no doubt they could be completely wrong!


By Gantaeno - 4/19/2014 3:48:44 PM

Thank you for the link, that's a great help and I can see how that would work with the claws as well.  This is the method we used at University, but I had forgotten the use of clay completely: no wonder it wasn't making sense!

Thanks again  Smile